Low-risk and optimized processes for your company

We develop validated and customized solutions for medical technology, micro and precision applications, as well as for the pharmaceutical industry.
Sondermaschinenbau und Automationslösungen für Medizintechnik, Pharmaindustrie und Feinwerktechnik

Solutions for your processes

Customized and efficient

With our engineering know-how, we develop customized technology solutions for all the requirements you place on us.

Medical Technology

We specialize in optimal management of the development of highly sensitive and expensive medical technology products.

Micro and precision engineering

The fast, safe and precise handling of small and smallest parts as well as their coating in the μm range is one of our strengths.

Pharmaceutical industry

Tailored to customer-specific quality requirements, we implement projects in compliance with the strictest certification requirements such as GxP and FDA.

© Mike Dielhenn

Your One-Stop-Shop for Process Technology

Step by step to the right solution

Modular and customized business growth

We develop modular production systems that, like a construction kit, can be optimally adapted to temporary customer and production situations.

Certification-compliant production processes

FDA and GMP certification requirements are the basis of our process developments.

Short distances and direct communication

Our engineers and scientists support you all the way to the ready-to-use system - turning an idea into a successful product.

Efficient and error-free service

We supply more than just a plant - in close cooperation we also support our customers along the service life.

Stay up-to-date

We will keep you informed on industry-specific topics, trade fairs and events